Easy to establish and a no nonsense grower - attractive splotched leaves - be sure to let this one dry out between drenching.
Cuttings can be a quick and inexpensive way to expand your collection. I offer cuttings of at least 2 nodes and many more when my Mother Plants allow.
1. Fill a tiny pot (no larger than 3 inches) with a loose light mix or soil.
2. Trim the stem one approximately inch below the bottom node.
3. Tuck the freshly cut end into your soil.
4. Keep soil/mix wet until roots appear. When you tug on the cutting and it seems stable...roots are evident.
5. Reduce watering and continue to mist but only water when the soil is nearly dry.
Grow the rooted cutting in a tiny pot until its roots have filled it or is unmanageable due to being top heavy. Over-potting is the quickest way to cause your hoya to rot.
Have fun and remember that hoyas thrive on neglect.
Cuttings can be a quick and inexpensive way to expand your collection. I offer cuttings of at least 2 nodes and many more when my Mother Plants allow.
1. Fill a tiny pot (no larger than 3 inches) with a loose light mix or soil.
2. Trim the stem one approximately inch below the bottom node.
3. Tuck the freshly cut end into your soil.
4. Keep soil/mix wet until roots appear. When you tug on the cutting and it seems stable...roots are evident.
5. Reduce watering and continue to mist but only water when the soil is nearly dry.
Grow the rooted cutting in a tiny pot until its roots have filled it or is unmanageable due to being top heavy. Over-potting is the quickest way to cause your hoya to rot.
Have fun and remember that hoyas thrive on neglect.
花相册 (12)


Hoya flowers


Flowering Hoya


Hoya flowers


This hoya has really grown and it flowered for the first time.


This was how the Hoya came from. Recycled plastic water bottle.


This is my first growing diary. Rooted cuttings from Mona.