The Tillandsia psuedobaileyi is a unique looking air plant, characterized by it's tall, slender shape and thick, tubular "sea creature"-like arms. This air plant is very adaptable to different environments and will display purple tones at the edges of its leaves. It prefers light shade, and ranges in size from about 6-8" in height, with a base of about 1" in diameter.
Add the psuedobaileyi air plant to your collection of air plants or display it in a fun air plant terrarium!
- Bright to moderate indirect light
- Water 2-3 times a week depending on environment and species
- Good air circulation
- Temperatures between 50F-95F
Add the psuedobaileyi air plant to your collection of air plants or display it in a fun air plant terrarium!
- Bright to moderate indirect light
- Water 2-3 times a week depending on environment and species
- Good air circulation
- Temperatures between 50F-95F
花相册 (6)


Flower stalk growing.


It looks like a flower stalk.


This is my first growing diary. Gift from Mary Teoh.