Dry in between watering. Rotate plant to face sun Once a week. Let excess warer collect die 30 minutes then dump excess water out.
花相册 (4)


Many new buds and leaves! Roughly counted 15+ tiny buds


It rained last night so i didn’t water Jubilation. this morning, I teimmed off these yellow buds (came like this when i bought it) and leaves that had yellow spots. I did some research and the probable cause could be the soil was not acidic enough. So i gave it a little fermented rice water after trimming, and dumped out excess water collected at the bottom of the pot immediately.


Jubilation came on May 1, 2020. It came with one bloom and quite a few buds. It continued to bloom about one flower a day. Wilted flowers were trimmed off promptly daily. It was given firtilizer today and watered. A thin layer of potting mix was added to the top to cover exposed roots.